Thursday, July 12, 2012

I thought it would go away.....

"I thought it would go away...." Funny how I hear this in the office more and more the last few years. Why is it that people tend to think this? As I ponder this I see many trends in health care that have taken a turn for the worst the last few years. The main thing I see is that people have only so much money to go around. They have to pay for the house, the car, the groceries, cloths, utilities, the kids activities, the.... could go on and on.
In years past most people had insurance coverage that meant something. They paid for insurance or had some type of insurance that they got threw work. The coverage was"good". What this meant is the deductibles were low. So when some thing came up and you went to the doctor you only had to pay say $250, $500, or $1500 for out of pocket care before your insurance would kick in. Then you would run to the doctor instead of saying "I thought it would go away...."

So that leads us to what is going on today. I see people who have deductibles of $2500, $5000, $10,000 or higher. So now when something comes up people say "It will go Away!"

What is wrong with this type of thinking? Well it tends not to GO AWAY!! Then you end up in the office and you tell me "I thought it would go away...." And now you have a problem that does not go away very fast. It takes longer, it takes more money, and more damage has been done to your over all health.

So that really leads to more health care costs and it cost you more money then before to maintain were your health is. Some times permanent damage has been done and you can not recover.

So next time you think "it will go away..." reflect on this and question it. Will it go away?
Will it cost more if I wait? Will I be doing more harm than good? Who should I call to see?

Friday, September 30, 2011


How many of you are saying that today?

We work and work and work all week only to take a break from the daily grind for three nights and two days.

Have you ever sat down and thought about how this life style effects your health? Well I have.

Did you know there are three stress on your body that will effect how your health is?

1) Physical stress. This is what you do to your body. Any slips, falls, fender benders, accidents, how you sit, how you stand, how you relate to your physical surroundings. The more stress you put on your body the more it may break down. But on the other side is also inactivity. This is just as bad. If you do nothing but sit in front of your TV, computer, desk, just doing no physical activities this also is a stress on your body.
2) Chemical stress. This is what you put in your body. What you eat, drink, and breath in your body. What you eat makes a difference on your health. Do you eat junk? Eat out all the time? Do you wonder what was put in the ground that was supposed to help grow the food you eat? What was put in that animal you are eating to help it grow? All those chemicals are now passed on to you. Study after study are showing how this effects your health. Any drug or medication you put in your body will have a side effect. It also just numbs your body or fools it and covers up your true health problem.
3) Emotions stress. The emotional stress can and will cause stress on your physical stress. Were does your body get tight and tense when you get worked up over something?

In the end all the stresses on your body will effect you in ways that you may not understand. That is why you need to make sure that you are under care of a Chiropractor who really understands how these stress effect you over all health.

So as you say TGIF make sure you are taking care of that body that God gave you and get recharged and ready to take on the World on Monday.